Thursday, June 26, 2008

5 days, 500 hot dogs, 70 volunteers, 6 decisions.

If you've been following our church at all, you know we ventured into the arena of Vacation Bible School. You know we don't like to be to old school so we called it Survivor Safari Summer Camp. We just finished day 4 and all I have to say is "WOW!" God is up to something. We've prayed over kids, teachers have lead some of their students in prayer for Jesus to come into their heart, and for some kids, it's just been a safe place for them to meet new friends and be themselves. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. We conclude the week with a big Celebration BBQ Friday night where we invite the families back to see a video, hear some of the songs and to, of course, eat!

We have such a good group of volunteers. They are all excited, but a little tired at this point, but they know it has all been worth it this week. Some have taken time of work (unpaid), others delayed vacations and family plans to be able to invest into our community and to these kids. Our volunteers are the best!

I can't some up all the stuff that has happened this week, but be looking for pictures and a video soon. In church this Sunday, we are concluding the OnePrayer series with Perry Noble giving the message on Dangerous Church. It will be good.

I'm looking forward to see where else God's footsteps lead us over the coming months, I hope you are too!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

One Prayer & Fasting

Instead of me writing a bunch of stuff go to the OnePrayer blog (click link) to check out the blog post and click here for fasting info and resources. God is doing some awesome stuff, I hope you are praying for revival!

In His Grip
