Thursday, October 11, 2007

UnChristian Video

Do you have friends who aren't Christians? If so, do they respond the same way? I'm curious to see how you respond to this little video. We are thinking about do a message series on what non-Christians think of Christians. It is not new to me, but I think we need to work all the more harder to change that perception, after all, isn't that what Jesus did?

Watch this video and give me you comments on this blog. I would appreciate it. If you happen to come across this video and you are not a Christian, let me know you expereince with Christians and the Church. I really would like to know.



shawn said...

It's interesting that all the people in there seem to be christians assuming what others assume about them. I'd like to see it where it's actually a non-christians view.

what are you gonna be using it for? sounds like an alpha or qwest thing.



Unknown said...

I'm not sure if they are Christians or not in the video, but the comments/views are from non-Christians. We thinking about doing a message series as we talk about being the Church and how those outside the faith a lot of times view Christians--and then looking at how Jesus interacted with people.

FacePlant Ministries said...

Yep. I would say that is the common thought from most not-yet-believers. I agree. Let's surprise them with what this following Christ thing is all about.