Last night I was complaining to my wife about my right arm hurting, like I pinched a nerve or had been working out (which I hadn't). I just couldn't figure out why it hurt so bad in just my one arm. She said, "well it probably hurts from the baptisms!"
She was right! What a great reminder for me this week of what happened on Sunday. If you weren't there, what an incredible experience. We had at least 4 first time decisions for Christ, 3 babies whose parents dedicated them to teach them about Christ, and if that wasn't enough, 27 baptism!
We only had 11 planned, but it was incredible to see sons come with their fathers, mothers with their daughters to be baptized. I never thought I would get to be a part of church like this one--thank you. What a great way to go into the Easter week. I believe there are more people who need to experience what we all did this last week, they need to be there this Sunday.
Easter is the perfect opportunity to invite someone who needs to hear about the hope that Jesus Christ provided for us through his life, death and resurrection. We are going to have a high-energy service that will communicate the message of Christ through incredible music, excellent childcare and a dynamic message. As you think about Easter, we encourage you to pray for the hundreds of people in our community whose names we fastened to the chair @ our Whipple Campus last Fall. We hope that you will partner with us by inviting the people in your life who need an opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ.
Easter Services:
Sunday, April 8 - 10:30am
I am looking forward to seeing you this Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection together. And if we can't be together this Sunday--we will be together in spirit thanking God for His promised fulfilled.
Arm Hurting but loving it,
God is so good. We seem to keep doubling the number of baptisms each time we have them.
Wow!! What a special day. It was wonderful to be a part of the baptisms for everyone.
Thank you all for all you do! God bless you. I thank God for all he does!!!
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