"Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."
Luke 2:10-12
Life is all about relationships. And each of us basically has two relational yearnings – one for the superficial relationships with other humans; and the deeper, more significant longing to be in union with God. We inherently know that the relationship initiated by Christ, the crib relationship, is vital to our eternity. What we do with this relationship has towering implications in this life and in the afterlife.
In each of our lives, in our cribs, we have a void. And many of us try to pile our cribs full with power, prestige, and possessions. We convince ourselves that if we can just acquire enough stuff in our lives that our crib will be filled and our life will be complete.
But what we don’t see is that until we fulfill our need for a relationship with God, all of the other “stuff” is just that – stuff. The only time that we feel complete and the only time we will see greatness in our lives is when we allow Jesus Christ to rest in our crib. It is a crucial relationship – no other thing in our lives will work until we settle this one.
Jesus saved us from the power and the penalty of our sin. He saved us from living a meaningless life. As you enter into the Christmas season, ask Jesus to step from his crib into yours. Allow him to occupy your life, let him fill every square inch and save you from experiencing that needless void in your crib.
Take time this week to reflect. I found this video (it isn't really a video as much as it is a conversation where a boy called into the radio station. Take time to listen and reflect on what is said.
I hope to see you Sunday. Remember our Christmas Eve service is from 5pm to 6pm. Who can you bring with you who needs to experience the Christmas Story?
Love you all
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Travel Agent
"After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."
Matthew 2:1-2
When we book a vacation through a travel agent, we usually only see the end results – the tickets and itinerary. We don’t concern ourselves with the behind the scenes stuff; the telephone calls to resorts or the deals made with airlines and hotels. Too often, the same thing happens when we look at the Christmas story. We forget the work that God has done to bring us to Christ’s crib and we only focus on our ticket and itinerary.
Thousands of years before Christ was brought to the earth and placed in a crib, God had done some amazing behind the scenes work to bring the wise men, and ultimately us, to the crib. Because of this work, God broke through to them and revealed himself in a way that they could understand. They listened to God’s word and then followed their travel agent, the Christmas star, to their Savior.
Just like the wise men thousands of years ago, you are on a journey. You are all traveling somewhere in life. And in your journey God has placed an earthbound star to lead you where you need to go. The question is, "Are you following the star that God has given you?" It could be a teacher, a parent or a friend God has placed in your life to lead you to Christ. Make sure you do what the wise men did all those years ago. Seek for answers; ask questions; investigate your findings; then follow that star to the crib of Jesus Christ.
See you this Sunday for Part 2 in our Christmas Series: "Cribs: The Crucial Relationship Initiated By the Savior."
In His Grip,
Matthew 2:1-2
When we book a vacation through a travel agent, we usually only see the end results – the tickets and itinerary. We don’t concern ourselves with the behind the scenes stuff; the telephone calls to resorts or the deals made with airlines and hotels. Too often, the same thing happens when we look at the Christmas story. We forget the work that God has done to bring us to Christ’s crib and we only focus on our ticket and itinerary.
Thousands of years before Christ was brought to the earth and placed in a crib, God had done some amazing behind the scenes work to bring the wise men, and ultimately us, to the crib. Because of this work, God broke through to them and revealed himself in a way that they could understand. They listened to God’s word and then followed their travel agent, the Christmas star, to their Savior.
Just like the wise men thousands of years ago, you are on a journey. You are all traveling somewhere in life. And in your journey God has placed an earthbound star to lead you where you need to go. The question is, "Are you following the star that God has given you?" It could be a teacher, a parent or a friend God has placed in your life to lead you to Christ. Make sure you do what the wise men did all those years ago. Seek for answers; ask questions; investigate your findings; then follow that star to the crib of Jesus Christ.
See you this Sunday for Part 2 in our Christmas Series: "Cribs: The Crucial Relationship Initiated By the Savior."
In His Grip,
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
New Message Series for Christmas
"This is real love. It is not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins."
1 John 4:10
We grow up believing that life is all about “me.” We want to call the shots; we want things done our way; we want the power and control. And our selfish thinking causes us to misuse, mislead, and mistreat people—often in ways that can be more harmful than we realize.
The problem results from focusing on ourselves and refusing to loosen our white-knuckle grip on the reins of life. We are afraid of giving control to anyone else, particularly a baby in a crib. But from his crib, that is exactly what Christ tells us we need to do. He tells us, “Give up your crown. Loosen your grip on the reins and let me call the shots.”
He tells us that life is not all about “me,” it is about giving him control and focusing our efforts on others. He tells us that through love, not selfishness, we will gain true power and control. And by acknowledging that God gave his son for us out of love, we will begin to realize that life is truly about giving, not getting.
This week, look to the crib of Christ and follow the example of love that it represents. Take the lead by loosening your grip of control. Surrender the reins of your life to the true King and transform your selfish nature by allowing the attitude of unselfishness and love to flow from Christ’s crib to yours.
See you this Sunday as we start our Christmas Series: "Cribs: The Crucial Relationship Initiated By the Savior."
In His Grip,
1 John 4:10
We grow up believing that life is all about “me.” We want to call the shots; we want things done our way; we want the power and control. And our selfish thinking causes us to misuse, mislead, and mistreat people—often in ways that can be more harmful than we realize.
The problem results from focusing on ourselves and refusing to loosen our white-knuckle grip on the reins of life. We are afraid of giving control to anyone else, particularly a baby in a crib. But from his crib, that is exactly what Christ tells us we need to do. He tells us, “Give up your crown. Loosen your grip on the reins and let me call the shots.”
He tells us that life is not all about “me,” it is about giving him control and focusing our efforts on others. He tells us that through love, not selfishness, we will gain true power and control. And by acknowledging that God gave his son for us out of love, we will begin to realize that life is truly about giving, not getting.
This week, look to the crib of Christ and follow the example of love that it represents. Take the lead by loosening your grip of control. Surrender the reins of your life to the true King and transform your selfish nature by allowing the attitude of unselfishness and love to flow from Christ’s crib to yours.
See you this Sunday as we start our Christmas Series: "Cribs: The Crucial Relationship Initiated By the Savior."
In His Grip,
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
New Song (kind of) by Bono and U2
This is a great song actually written during the Joshua Tree album but never released.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
UnChristian Video
Do you have friends who aren't Christians? If so, do they respond the same way? I'm curious to see how you respond to this little video. We are thinking about do a message series on what non-Christians think of Christians. It is not new to me, but I think we need to work all the more harder to change that perception, after all, isn't that what Jesus did?
Watch this video and give me you comments on this blog. I would appreciate it. If you happen to come across this video and you are not a Christian, let me know you expereince with Christians and the Church. I really would like to know.
Watch this video and give me you comments on this blog. I would appreciate it. If you happen to come across this video and you are not a Christian, let me know you expereince with Christians and the Church. I really would like to know.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
The "newest" craze in becoming relevant.
I call it Lego preaching. It should work well with the under 10 demographic. But, can we make it life size? That would be cool!

This is funny. My son came to me the other night and said he did a "lego" of me preaching on Sunday. I really like who is in the crowd (a stromtropper, an alien, a bald guy and a guy with a mohawk--or as my son says "a crown.)
I asked him why he choose those people and why he created them that way and he said, I just like the people we have coming to church now. So, you go ahead a figure who you are in this picture.
Just wanted to share a slice of my world.
lego preacher out,
This is funny. My son came to me the other night and said he did a "lego" of me preaching on Sunday. I really like who is in the crowd (a stromtropper, an alien, a bald guy and a guy with a mohawk--or as my son says "a crown.)
I asked him why he choose those people and why he created them that way and he said, I just like the people we have coming to church now. So, you go ahead a figure who you are in this picture.
Just wanted to share a slice of my world.
lego preacher out,
Monday, August 20, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
On the Way Home!
It's hard to believe 2 weeks have past. I am sitting at the hotel waiting for our airport shuttle in Warsaw, Poland. It has been an incredible time of ministry here. We have experienced a lot. I feel we are going to have a long term relationship with the church in Pietrokov. Pastor Daniel and the church seemed to have the same heart as our church. I can't wait to get back and share and have the team share about this incredible, living changing time, not only for us but for the church here and the kids and families. I look forward to seeing you all Sunday.
In His Grip in Poland,
In His Grip in Poland,
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Poland or Bust and a Baptism!
Hey All,
I can't believe it is here, we finally leave for our mission to Poland this Friday. Please be praying for our team. For many, it will not only be the first time on the mission field but the first time out of the country. The chruch there is anxiously awaiting us. We are excited to bring some of what we do here in our children't ministry to the people of Poland.
We will be having a children's ministry daily as we teach virtues, very similar to what we do with PowerHouse. Pray that the language barrier is torn down as God uses us to tell the children about Him. It is going to be a growing time for all of us.
Christian and I have been asked to speak at their church services, so pray that we have the right words to say that encourage the people at their church. We will also be do construction projects to help expand the church and it's outreach to the community. From my experience, anytime plans are layed for a mission trip, they always change once you actually get, so also pray that our team is adaptable and flexible to move with the changes. It's going to be a great 14 days.
I look forward to shariing with you all on the 19th of August at the church service.
In His Grip
P.S. Cascade Park Baptism borrowed our portable baptistry last Sunday. They had 2 people scheduled to be baptized, they ended up baptizing 11 total! It's all about changed lives. God is good! (All the time.)
I can't believe it is here, we finally leave for our mission to Poland this Friday. Please be praying for our team. For many, it will not only be the first time on the mission field but the first time out of the country. The chruch there is anxiously awaiting us. We are excited to bring some of what we do here in our children't ministry to the people of Poland.
We will be having a children's ministry daily as we teach virtues, very similar to what we do with PowerHouse. Pray that the language barrier is torn down as God uses us to tell the children about Him. It is going to be a growing time for all of us.
Christian and I have been asked to speak at their church services, so pray that we have the right words to say that encourage the people at their church. We will also be do construction projects to help expand the church and it's outreach to the community. From my experience, anytime plans are layed for a mission trip, they always change once you actually get, so also pray that our team is adaptable and flexible to move with the changes. It's going to be a great 14 days.
I look forward to shariing with you all on the 19th of August at the church service.
In His Grip
P.S. Cascade Park Baptism borrowed our portable baptistry last Sunday. They had 2 people scheduled to be baptized, they ended up baptizing 11 total! It's all about changed lives. God is good! (All the time.)
Monday, July 23, 2007
Church Hopping or Hoping?
A friend sent me this article. It appeared in the Chicago Sun Times. I found my self saying "yes" and "amen" several times. When will this stop and people get committed. It really is not "me-church." Let me know what you think.
Church hopping a selfish act
July 8, 2007
Church hopping is the ultimate ''all about me'' experience.
I'm not talking about church shopping -- moving into a new community or deciding to start attending church and then visiting churches until becoming a member as soon as reasonably possible. And I'm not talking about leaving one's church after finding unaddressed scandal in a church's leadership.
I'm talking about the growing tendency in America's evangelical churches for folks who decide, after they have officially joined a particular church, that ''Oh, that pastor down the street is a little more high-energy than mine,'' or ''Gee, the music here isn't really meeting my needs right now.'' They just up and leave and go to a new church. Until they hop from that one.
Respected Christian pollster George Barna, the Christian Science Monitor and other publications, and any Protestant pastor will tell you that church hopping is an increasing and insidious trend. Here's where I really agree with my Roman Catholic friends when they say: ''You Protestants are so focused on your 'personal relationship with Christ' that you forget it's not all about you.''
Exactly. I see people come and go from my own congregation. Sometimes I know the reason, and sometimes I don't. But I do know that every time a person who has made a public vow of membership leaves for superficial reasons, he leaves a unique hole. The departure dispirits the pastor and often the children and other members.
Hopping from a church when a desire, or even a real need, isn't being met in the moment means that person can't ultimately be held accountable in his religious life. He just hops if he doesn't want anyone reaching out to him.
One of the best ways to discourage hopping is for the receiving church to encourage him to return to his home church, but there are a lot of unfortunate disincentives to doing that.
Unlike a job, or a neighborhood, or a school, the sentiment of Christian Scripture is that, barring something extraordinary, church members really don't have a right to hop. We have little sense anymore that we are to join a church body and submit to its authority. Even when there are things that don't suit our fancy in the church. Sure, we often can and should try to change those things for what we consider the better.
Submission may even entail suffering, like dealing with conflict with other church members instead of just walking away.
We treat our church membership a lot like we treat our marriages. Hey, if I'm not ''happy'' in the moment, just move on, right? The impact on others or a pledge to something bigger than ourselves doesn't matter because ''it's all about me.''
Hoppers are typically unsatisfied no matter where they hop -- because perfection doesn't exist in this world.
Church hopping a selfish act
July 8, 2007
Church hopping is the ultimate ''all about me'' experience.
I'm not talking about church shopping -- moving into a new community or deciding to start attending church and then visiting churches until becoming a member as soon as reasonably possible. And I'm not talking about leaving one's church after finding unaddressed scandal in a church's leadership.
I'm talking about the growing tendency in America's evangelical churches for folks who decide, after they have officially joined a particular church, that ''Oh, that pastor down the street is a little more high-energy than mine,'' or ''Gee, the music here isn't really meeting my needs right now.'' They just up and leave and go to a new church. Until they hop from that one.
Respected Christian pollster George Barna, the Christian Science Monitor and other publications, and any Protestant pastor will tell you that church hopping is an increasing and insidious trend. Here's where I really agree with my Roman Catholic friends when they say: ''You Protestants are so focused on your 'personal relationship with Christ' that you forget it's not all about you.''
Exactly. I see people come and go from my own congregation. Sometimes I know the reason, and sometimes I don't. But I do know that every time a person who has made a public vow of membership leaves for superficial reasons, he leaves a unique hole. The departure dispirits the pastor and often the children and other members.
Hopping from a church when a desire, or even a real need, isn't being met in the moment means that person can't ultimately be held accountable in his religious life. He just hops if he doesn't want anyone reaching out to him.
One of the best ways to discourage hopping is for the receiving church to encourage him to return to his home church, but there are a lot of unfortunate disincentives to doing that.
Unlike a job, or a neighborhood, or a school, the sentiment of Christian Scripture is that, barring something extraordinary, church members really don't have a right to hop. We have little sense anymore that we are to join a church body and submit to its authority. Even when there are things that don't suit our fancy in the church. Sure, we often can and should try to change those things for what we consider the better.
Submission may even entail suffering, like dealing with conflict with other church members instead of just walking away.
We treat our church membership a lot like we treat our marriages. Hey, if I'm not ''happy'' in the moment, just move on, right? The impact on others or a pledge to something bigger than ourselves doesn't matter because ''it's all about me.''
Hoppers are typically unsatisfied no matter where they hop -- because perfection doesn't exist in this world.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Important Meeting!
If you consider Whipple Creek your home church, you are encouraged to attend our Family Meeting this Sunday right after church. This is a very important meeting as we inform the family where the church is going and what it is going to take to get us there. I believe this meeting is one of the most important ones we've ever had. I believe God is up to something big at Whipple Creek. The whole staff feels it. Exciting, but challenging days are ahead for us. Please come on Sunday. Childcare will be available for up to 8 years old.
I look forward to seeing you Sunday!
I look forward to seeing you Sunday!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Burn Baby Burn!
Sorry I've been absent from the blog life, but life has been going on.
Lately I have been wondering what will it take for us to continue to be a real church?...Our church adventure has entered a new phase this past summer with us moving into our new church campuses and into the community in which we are going to be a part. So now, we begin to grapple with what it means to be missionaries or "missional" (more on this in future blogs) in this place.
I've had conversations with other local Christian groups that rattled my cage, as they reminded me again of the shape we may be ‘expected’ to take as a church.
One group wants to take on a complex and courageous project in a nearby area to (in their words) “to help churches 'build bridges' into the region and make connections with local people”.
I also bumped into a small group in the local "pastors" hangout who were planning a children’s ministry program – again to ‘build bridges’ with the local community. And I began to wonder… when will we have all our programs up and running? When will we be able to say ‘this is what we are doing?’ Is that even what we want to do?
As I began to reflect on this idea of programs as ‘bridges to the community’ I got disturbed. I mean have we ever really thought through what that says?...
It seems to me, to imply that there is the church community and then there's the local community and these are two separate entities. And because of that we need to try and ‘connect’ them... because typically they are not well connected. Somehow we need to create ways for church folk to mix it up with those who are not part of our churches.
Does that sound just a bit like an ‘us and them’ thing – perhaps even an artificial thing?
Now, I am not opposed to decent programs, but if their purpose is simply to be a bridge between ‘us’ over here and ‘them’ over there then count me out. Programs that serve the community are great, but I am not at all convinced that people who have either intentionally or unintentionally isolated themselves from ‘the world’ will make genuine connections in any program.
I'm particularly not interested in being a church that runs all the typical stuff that the community already has i.e. playgroups, craft groups. Why would we want to develop another one when a perfectly good one already exists and there are people running it, insurances covering it, buildings housing it?...
Do we think we can do better than people who don’t know Jesus? Or do we only believe its possible to share the gospel in a ‘christian’ environment?
I'm pretty sure that at some stage we will do something that could be called a program, but wouldn't it be great if we were able to meet a deep need in the community rather than simply trying to create an evangelistic bridge?
When I consider 'bridges into the community' I believe having my neighbors for a meal is just that. I don't need a program to help me do it though. Helping my neighbor with his yard or his boat is a great point of connection (and I get a free beer for it!)
It seems that sometimes it is the quality, relevance and number of programs that validates us as a church. The more you run the better you are doing. And programs have been our keys to evangelistic connections rather than naturally forming relationships.
I felt a little deflated today when I realized again that our goal is not to get some programs up and running so we can 'establish a presence and a profile' (I’m told that is important) but rather to genuinely connect with people in natural ways.
I also wonder 'why would we want to establish a 'presence and a profile’?... Does a church really need that?
What if?... we were ordinary people with ordinary jobs who went to work, came home and were ordinary members of the community... but we were deeply committed to Jesus and his mission, both at work and in the neighborhood?
Would we need programs to serve as bridges?...
Maybe programs have been a crutch for our fumbling attempts at sharing the gospel or genuinely connecting with people in their worlds. Maybe it’s saying 'come to a gig we run where we hold the ropes and you can play along and all will be well'. Maybe they have made us feel like we are 'doing evangelism'?
In saying this I know that I am going to have to deal with the questions that will come my way such as "Just what are you guys doing over there?! How can you be a church and not do anything?!"
When the measures of effectiveness shift then the practices that lead us to be 'effective must inevitably change also.
Hopefully we will keep the focus and not fall prey to the need for affirmation of our whiz bang programs. Hopefully we can also recognise when a 'program' will benefit the community and we will make it happen.
Hopefully we will get to know the people in our street and love them and spend time with them and our greatest hope is that we will see them come to know the Jesus we follow…
But for now I’ll be burning my bridges.
Lately I have been wondering what will it take for us to continue to be a real church?...Our church adventure has entered a new phase this past summer with us moving into our new church campuses and into the community in which we are going to be a part. So now, we begin to grapple with what it means to be missionaries or "missional" (more on this in future blogs) in this place.
I've had conversations with other local Christian groups that rattled my cage, as they reminded me again of the shape we may be ‘expected’ to take as a church.
One group wants to take on a complex and courageous project in a nearby area to (in their words) “to help churches 'build bridges' into the region and make connections with local people”.
I also bumped into a small group in the local "pastors" hangout who were planning a children’s ministry program – again to ‘build bridges’ with the local community. And I began to wonder… when will we have all our programs up and running? When will we be able to say ‘this is what we are doing?’ Is that even what we want to do?
As I began to reflect on this idea of programs as ‘bridges to the community’ I got disturbed. I mean have we ever really thought through what that says?...
It seems to me, to imply that there is the church community and then there's the local community and these are two separate entities. And because of that we need to try and ‘connect’ them... because typically they are not well connected. Somehow we need to create ways for church folk to mix it up with those who are not part of our churches.
Does that sound just a bit like an ‘us and them’ thing – perhaps even an artificial thing?
Now, I am not opposed to decent programs, but if their purpose is simply to be a bridge between ‘us’ over here and ‘them’ over there then count me out. Programs that serve the community are great, but I am not at all convinced that people who have either intentionally or unintentionally isolated themselves from ‘the world’ will make genuine connections in any program.
I'm particularly not interested in being a church that runs all the typical stuff that the community already has i.e. playgroups, craft groups. Why would we want to develop another one when a perfectly good one already exists and there are people running it, insurances covering it, buildings housing it?...
Do we think we can do better than people who don’t know Jesus? Or do we only believe its possible to share the gospel in a ‘christian’ environment?
I'm pretty sure that at some stage we will do something that could be called a program, but wouldn't it be great if we were able to meet a deep need in the community rather than simply trying to create an evangelistic bridge?
When I consider 'bridges into the community' I believe having my neighbors for a meal is just that. I don't need a program to help me do it though. Helping my neighbor with his yard or his boat is a great point of connection (and I get a free beer for it!)
It seems that sometimes it is the quality, relevance and number of programs that validates us as a church. The more you run the better you are doing. And programs have been our keys to evangelistic connections rather than naturally forming relationships.
I felt a little deflated today when I realized again that our goal is not to get some programs up and running so we can 'establish a presence and a profile' (I’m told that is important) but rather to genuinely connect with people in natural ways.
I also wonder 'why would we want to establish a 'presence and a profile’?... Does a church really need that?
What if?... we were ordinary people with ordinary jobs who went to work, came home and were ordinary members of the community... but we were deeply committed to Jesus and his mission, both at work and in the neighborhood?
Would we need programs to serve as bridges?...
Maybe programs have been a crutch for our fumbling attempts at sharing the gospel or genuinely connecting with people in their worlds. Maybe it’s saying 'come to a gig we run where we hold the ropes and you can play along and all will be well'. Maybe they have made us feel like we are 'doing evangelism'?
In saying this I know that I am going to have to deal with the questions that will come my way such as "Just what are you guys doing over there?! How can you be a church and not do anything?!"
When the measures of effectiveness shift then the practices that lead us to be 'effective must inevitably change also.
Hopefully we will keep the focus and not fall prey to the need for affirmation of our whiz bang programs. Hopefully we can also recognise when a 'program' will benefit the community and we will make it happen.
Hopefully we will get to know the people in our street and love them and spend time with them and our greatest hope is that we will see them come to know the Jesus we follow…
But for now I’ll be burning my bridges.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Day of Days
It's finally here! Hard to believe isn't it? This Sunday, May 27th, will be our last Sunday at Alki Middle School. It has been a long journey for some of us. For me, it will be a bitter sweet day. There has been a lot of great memories made at the school. There has been a lot of impact for God's Kingdom done in that public school cafeteria. Yet, I look forward to what God is doing and going to do through our new campus on 9th Avenue!
I just wanted to send you this email to invite you to our LAST Sunday @ Alki. We will meet and the normal time of 10:30. Afterwards, join us for a parade as we drive together to the new campus for a prayer of dedication (and of course cake!)
Then join us next weekend (June 3rd) as we have our very first service at our new campus. Exciting stuff. God is good, all the time.
Look forward to being with you over this historic week,
I just wanted to send you this email to invite you to our LAST Sunday @ Alki. We will meet and the normal time of 10:30. Afterwards, join us for a parade as we drive together to the new campus for a prayer of dedication (and of course cake!)
Then join us next weekend (June 3rd) as we have our very first service at our new campus. Exciting stuff. God is good, all the time.
Look forward to being with you over this historic week,
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Ownership vs Membership Part 2: Why Become an Owner?
A member of an organization uses the facilities, gains from its services, takes a shower, and heads about their business. An owner makes the organization happen. Jesus wants His followers to make the church happen—go out and love people, nurture each other, and serve with your whole life. Ownership is a higher calling than membership. If you are a follower of Christ, then you are a co-owner of His church and that is what makes Whipple Creek Church happen.
Becoming an owner of Whipple Creek Church is a declaration that you are moving from being a consumer to being an investor—that you are joining not simply the community of Christ, but the cause of Christ as well. The motivation behind becoming an owner is not what can be received, but what can be given. And yet, on a deeper level, ownership is an invitation to genuine intimacy. When people become owners, they are declaring submission of their lives to the spiritual authority of this community and welcoming genuine accountability in their spiritual journeys. What once was the standard for leadership is now our standard for ownership.
Ownership Seminar
To become an owner, you must attend an Ownership Seminar. During this session we go over the history, doctrine and beliefs of Whipple Creek Church, as well as describing the tenets of ownership in greater detail. After attending the Ownership Seminars, a covenant is signed to complete the Ownership Process, in which Owners agree to three points of building the local church. Questions? Email us: churchoffice@whipplecreek.com
Don't forget to RSVP for Wednesday, May 8th-Ownership Seminar @ 7;00 pm sharp. Childcare will be provided.
Look forward to seeing you there!
PS Here are a couple pictures of "owners."

Becoming an owner of Whipple Creek Church is a declaration that you are moving from being a consumer to being an investor—that you are joining not simply the community of Christ, but the cause of Christ as well. The motivation behind becoming an owner is not what can be received, but what can be given. And yet, on a deeper level, ownership is an invitation to genuine intimacy. When people become owners, they are declaring submission of their lives to the spiritual authority of this community and welcoming genuine accountability in their spiritual journeys. What once was the standard for leadership is now our standard for ownership.
Ownership Seminar
To become an owner, you must attend an Ownership Seminar. During this session we go over the history, doctrine and beliefs of Whipple Creek Church, as well as describing the tenets of ownership in greater detail. After attending the Ownership Seminars, a covenant is signed to complete the Ownership Process, in which Owners agree to three points of building the local church. Questions? Email us: churchoffice@whipplecreek.com
Don't forget to RSVP for Wednesday, May 8th-Ownership Seminar @ 7;00 pm sharp. Childcare will be provided.
Look forward to seeing you there!
PS Here are a couple pictures of "owners."
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Are You an Owner?
What’s the Difference in Ownership and Membership?
The word member has interesting connotations in our culture. We are members at gyms, golf courses, websites, alumni associations, and other organizations. These memberships are painless to obtain and even easier to discard. The word member implies a sense of belonging, which can be healthy. However, being a member of a group can often portray exclusiveness to outsiders. Membership gives people access to an organization with limitations—authorized personnel only! The idea of church membership is not a biblical mandate but rather a development in church tradition.
1 Corinthians 12:27 states that “You are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” The body of Christ has two meanings in the New Testament. Jesus explained the most important understanding of “His body” to us at the Last Supper: “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19). The sacrifice of Jesus’ body paid the price for our sins and restored our relationship with God. If we accept this sacrifice we are ushered into “His body.”
The second understanding of “His body” is the universal group of people that follow Him: “You are the body of Christ.” Everyone who follows Jesus forms a community that is called the church. The main role of the church is to make known Jesus’ love for the world.
So what relationship does “you are the body of Christ” imply? Whipple Creek Church believes that membership is not the most appropriate description for us in Christ’s body. Being a part of a church is better comprehended with the word ownership. Throughout the New Testament, followers of Christ are called heirs or co-heirs to God’s kingdom (Titus 3:7, Romans 8:17, I Peter 3:7). The Greek definition of heir is "to possess or to own". Therefore, each follower of Christ co-owns the church with and through Jesus Christ.
I will talk more later about why it is important for you to become an owner, but in the meantime, if you have not been to a previous Experience Whipple Class (formerly Q&A), plan now to attend May 9th @ 7pm. Child care will be provided. RSVP by emailing the church office: office@whipplecreek.com.
Hope to see you there,
The word member has interesting connotations in our culture. We are members at gyms, golf courses, websites, alumni associations, and other organizations. These memberships are painless to obtain and even easier to discard. The word member implies a sense of belonging, which can be healthy. However, being a member of a group can often portray exclusiveness to outsiders. Membership gives people access to an organization with limitations—authorized personnel only! The idea of church membership is not a biblical mandate but rather a development in church tradition.
1 Corinthians 12:27 states that “You are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” The body of Christ has two meanings in the New Testament. Jesus explained the most important understanding of “His body” to us at the Last Supper: “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19). The sacrifice of Jesus’ body paid the price for our sins and restored our relationship with God. If we accept this sacrifice we are ushered into “His body.”
The second understanding of “His body” is the universal group of people that follow Him: “You are the body of Christ.” Everyone who follows Jesus forms a community that is called the church. The main role of the church is to make known Jesus’ love for the world.
So what relationship does “you are the body of Christ” imply? Whipple Creek Church believes that membership is not the most appropriate description for us in Christ’s body. Being a part of a church is better comprehended with the word ownership. Throughout the New Testament, followers of Christ are called heirs or co-heirs to God’s kingdom (Titus 3:7, Romans 8:17, I Peter 3:7). The Greek definition of heir is "to possess or to own". Therefore, each follower of Christ co-owns the church with and through Jesus Christ.
I will talk more later about why it is important for you to become an owner, but in the meantime, if you have not been to a previous Experience Whipple Class (formerly Q&A), plan now to attend May 9th @ 7pm. Child care will be provided. RSVP by emailing the church office: office@whipplecreek.com.
Hope to see you there,
Monday, April 30, 2007
Monday, April 9, 2007
Easter Wow! What's Next?
I keep asking myself, "How can it get any better than this?" And God continues to amaze me. Easter was wonderful, we had 3 first time decisions where people asked Jesus to come into their life and their heart. We had several people get back on track after wandering off "the road" and asked for prayer to get back on track. And yet several others who don't want to just be a "Christian," they want to be a Christ-follower. They want to make the name "Christian" good once again. We also had several people say they wanted to get baptized. It just keeps getting better
So what's next? God is at work at Whipple. Two things are important right now. The first is this next series we are doing, "Snapshots of A Savior." This series is going to look at the person of Jesus and why He's so important. Not only is it a great opportunity for you, but probably someone else you know--who are you going to invite? I promise, this will be a life changing series of messages that could change lives forever.
The second thing is this: we will be moving into the building in less than 3 months--be praying for your role in helping with the move. It could be anything from helping get the building and the grounds ready to pitiching in to help us finish well while we are still at Alki by helping the setup and takedown crew. Another way to help is by showing up for church and connecting with others whether they are a guest or long time members of Whipple. And lastly, you could give finanically. I talked a few weeks ago during the State of the Church message (you can download that message to the right) how we need everyone who attends Whipple to give $49/week. How are you doing? I want to challenge you, if you are not giving that yet--start where you can. It may not be $49 a week, but start somewhere. And if you have been faithfully giving, I challenge you to increase your giving by 10%. That doesn't mean if you give 10% to give 20%, it means if you give 10% to increase your giving to 11%, if you give 5% of your income, increase it to 5.5%.
God has many great things in store for us and as we are faithful and step out on faith, our faith will intersect with His faithfulness and it is there we will see the Hand of God do something amazing! I can't wait to see what's next!
I look forward to this new series. Please be praying for myself and the staff as we prepare for this incredible journey.
In His Grip
P.S. Be looking for our new website very soon!
So what's next? God is at work at Whipple. Two things are important right now. The first is this next series we are doing, "Snapshots of A Savior." This series is going to look at the person of Jesus and why He's so important. Not only is it a great opportunity for you, but probably someone else you know--who are you going to invite? I promise, this will be a life changing series of messages that could change lives forever.
The second thing is this: we will be moving into the building in less than 3 months--be praying for your role in helping with the move. It could be anything from helping get the building and the grounds ready to pitiching in to help us finish well while we are still at Alki by helping the setup and takedown crew. Another way to help is by showing up for church and connecting with others whether they are a guest or long time members of Whipple. And lastly, you could give finanically. I talked a few weeks ago during the State of the Church message (you can download that message to the right) how we need everyone who attends Whipple to give $49/week. How are you doing? I want to challenge you, if you are not giving that yet--start where you can. It may not be $49 a week, but start somewhere. And if you have been faithfully giving, I challenge you to increase your giving by 10%. That doesn't mean if you give 10% to give 20%, it means if you give 10% to increase your giving to 11%, if you give 5% of your income, increase it to 5.5%.
God has many great things in store for us and as we are faithful and step out on faith, our faith will intersect with His faithfulness and it is there we will see the Hand of God do something amazing! I can't wait to see what's next!
I look forward to this new series. Please be praying for myself and the staff as we prepare for this incredible journey.
In His Grip
P.S. Be looking for our new website very soon!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
My Arm Hurts!

Last night I was complaining to my wife about my right arm hurting, like I pinched a nerve or had been working out (which I hadn't). I just couldn't figure out why it hurt so bad in just my one arm. She said, "well it probably hurts from the baptisms!"
She was right! What a great reminder for me this week of what happened on Sunday. If you weren't there, what an incredible experience. We had at least 4 first time decisions for Christ, 3 babies whose parents dedicated them to teach them about Christ, and if that wasn't enough, 27 baptism!
We only had 11 planned, but it was incredible to see sons come with their fathers, mothers with their daughters to be baptized. I never thought I would get to be a part of church like this one--thank you. What a great way to go into the Easter week. I believe there are more people who need to experience what we all did this last week, they need to be there this Sunday.
Easter is the perfect opportunity to invite someone who needs to hear about the hope that Jesus Christ provided for us through his life, death and resurrection. We are going to have a high-energy service that will communicate the message of Christ through incredible music, excellent childcare and a dynamic message. As you think about Easter, we encourage you to pray for the hundreds of people in our community whose names we fastened to the chair @ our Whipple Campus last Fall. We hope that you will partner with us by inviting the people in your life who need an opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ.
Easter Services:
Sunday, April 8 - 10:30am
I am looking forward to seeing you this Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection together. And if we can't be together this Sunday--we will be together in spirit thanking God for His promised fulfilled.
Arm Hurting but loving it,
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
Are you ready for this
Are you ready for this Sunday? Over 20 baptisms, child dedications, a special announcement and we kick off Easter week. It is not to late to invite someone! You won't want to miss what God is doing in our midst.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Friday, March 2, 2007
Skate Church
Have you seen this yet? Just a little taste of what's happening at our church on Thursday nights!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Tools Revised
Here is the first of some tools I promised you. This is a link to a Spiritual Gift Assessment. Let me know how your test comes back!
CLICK HERE for link to Spiritual Gift Test. Another cool LINK is Bible Gateway's Verse of the day. You can subscribe to this link a get a new verse each day. It's pretty cool.
If you Click Here it will link you to BibleGateway's verse of the day. A great tool to help you get to know God.
Here is the SHAPE Inventory I promised you. Click HERE and it will direct you to my download page. You will also be able to download the "7 Ways to Test an Impression from God" document.
Hoping you Withdraw, Wait, Watch, Write and most of all Worship!
CLICK HERE for link to Spiritual Gift Test. Another cool LINK is Bible Gateway's Verse of the day. You can subscribe to this link a get a new verse each day. It's pretty cool.
If you Click Here it will link you to BibleGateway's verse of the day. A great tool to help you get to know God.
Here is the SHAPE Inventory I promised you. Click HERE and it will direct you to my download page. You will also be able to download the "7 Ways to Test an Impression from God" document.
Hoping you Withdraw, Wait, Watch, Write and most of all Worship!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Saturday Night
It's 9:00pm Saturday night and I'm in my usually lock down mode for Sunday am, but things are different tonight. My family has been sick (at least part of them) since Thursday. Merrily came down with it Friday, so I've been Dr. Dad. I'm sorry I had to miss the marriage conference, I bet it was great. The good news is while the family slept, I had time to work on tomorrow's message, which gave me some extra time tonight, so I thought I would update my blog. I'm feeling a little nervous about tomorrow for some reason, not sure why, maybe because my family will be home sick. Or maybe it's because of the topic.
Pray for me as I am talking about how to know if it is really God talking to you or just you talking to you. I believe a lot of us need to understand when and how God communicates with us. I have been praying that this series will be a life changing one for many people. I know it has been for me.
If you've missed any of the past messages in this series, you can link to them here, or go to iTunes and subscribe (keyword "Whipple" under podcast.)
I appreciate your prayers not only for my family, but the church family as well. God is doing great things among and through us!
Whoo Hoo!
ps enjoy this video
Pray for me as I am talking about how to know if it is really God talking to you or just you talking to you. I believe a lot of us need to understand when and how God communicates with us. I have been praying that this series will be a life changing one for many people. I know it has been for me.
If you've missed any of the past messages in this series, you can link to them here, or go to iTunes and subscribe (keyword "Whipple" under podcast.)
I appreciate your prayers not only for my family, but the church family as well. God is doing great things among and through us!
Whoo Hoo!
ps enjoy this video
Friday, February 16, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Tune In
If you've been a Christ-follower for a while, you may have noticed that church has changed over the years...or maybe not. The church I grew up in had green shag carpeting with matching green velour pew upholstery. Ahd the curtains matched too! How about you? Did you sing exactly three hymns from the hymnal (first, second and last verses) or had you by that time progressed to worship "choruses?" What about chilren's church? Right after the flannel graph story did they sing "Father Abraham" accompanied by the little girl who was furtherest along in her piano lesson?
In the midst of all the clutter and clatter of our ever-changing culture, we must find ways to engage this generation with the life-changing message of the gospel. After all, if the church doesn't engage people where they live, it won't be heard.
Beginning this Sunday, I'm starting a new series to help us tune into God, to hear His voice and to know it is truly His. My desire for you is to be fully connected, fully engaged and fully in tune with what God is doing in you and through you. We can't create irresistible environments to get this cultures attention by ourselves, it's all of us working together and as we listen to God individually and corporately. I believe He will use Whipple Creek to not only rock our community but the world as we listen to Him but as we engage our culutre and community as well.
Get tuned in and I'll see you on Sunday.
In the midst of all the clutter and clatter of our ever-changing culture, we must find ways to engage this generation with the life-changing message of the gospel. After all, if the church doesn't engage people where they live, it won't be heard.
Beginning this Sunday, I'm starting a new series to help us tune into God, to hear His voice and to know it is truly His. My desire for you is to be fully connected, fully engaged and fully in tune with what God is doing in you and through you. We can't create irresistible environments to get this cultures attention by ourselves, it's all of us working together and as we listen to God individually and corporately. I believe He will use Whipple Creek to not only rock our community but the world as we listen to Him but as we engage our culutre and community as well.
Get tuned in and I'll see you on Sunday.
Monday, January 22, 2007
As I'm in my office pondering this next year for us as a church, several questions are flowing through my mind about the kind of church we are and we want to be--and more importantly how do we reach people? I guess you could ask it like this, "how do we create an engaging church?"
Who are the seekers and spectators that we're hoping to engage? The 1st generation of the 21st Century is far different than any before. It's a group that has made more personal lifestyle changes than any other--due almost entireley to the advances in technology. And it's a group that has options.
We're calling to a culuture that devours makeover shows and to people who know "pimp my ride" means to make their car as cool as possible. We're asking adults to give up time they could be spedning in front of their 50" plasma screens, and we're asking their kids to lay down their video games, iPods, and RAZR cell phones to connect with us.
But what do we offer? Remarkable experiences that keep up and surpass those of our culture? How do we meet the needs of people with ever-shortening attention spans and ever-increasing expectations? How do we do all that and still keep our ministry focus and avoid feeding a "church mall" mindset?
Just some things I'm pondering as I seek God's wisdom to take us where He wants us to boldly go in 2007. I look forward to exploring these answers with you and partnering with you to lead people into a growing, handholding relationship.
In His Grip,
Who are the seekers and spectators that we're hoping to engage? The 1st generation of the 21st Century is far different than any before. It's a group that has made more personal lifestyle changes than any other--due almost entireley to the advances in technology. And it's a group that has options.
We're calling to a culuture that devours makeover shows and to people who know "pimp my ride" means to make their car as cool as possible. We're asking adults to give up time they could be spedning in front of their 50" plasma screens, and we're asking their kids to lay down their video games, iPods, and RAZR cell phones to connect with us.
But what do we offer? Remarkable experiences that keep up and surpass those of our culture? How do we meet the needs of people with ever-shortening attention spans and ever-increasing expectations? How do we do all that and still keep our ministry focus and avoid feeding a "church mall" mindset?
Just some things I'm pondering as I seek God's wisdom to take us where He wants us to boldly go in 2007. I look forward to exploring these answers with you and partnering with you to lead people into a growing, handholding relationship.
In His Grip,
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